This website works like a blog. Posts are added frequently, each offering an explanation of a particular idea. While these ideas are all related and part of the whole concept. I’ve tried to set this up as a book of conceptual comprehension as well a helpful tool of reference.
It may be useful to begin from the first post as the logical breakdown may help to move about the mental journey in an organized fashion, building upon what is covered by adding a new piece along the way. However, any of the posts can be explored in any order as it is both healthy and useful to revisit and reinforce concepts. This journey is not meant to be strictly linear, it is a curve so relax and feel free to explore as you are compelled.
The Curved Journey
As you visit each section, I invite you, reader to move along a journey of discovery, understanding and application with me. While it may seem sensible to begin at the beginning and move forward, allow room for flexibility in where that beginning actually lies. Realize that while every new concept has a beginning, it also reinforces the arch of another concept. This is important because it helps us recognize the relationship between all conceptual notions and draw cognitive bridges that strenghen our unerstanding.
The information, ideas and discussions offered herein are intended to be revisited, rediscovered and reapplied as often as desired. True to the Learning Curve concept, this is an experience of discovery, understanding and application – which includes reiteration and revisiting as we move forward. Let us not move in an ordinary straight line, but in a soft infinite spiral motion, curving out forward, back and then forward again, progressing incrementally and evenly with each intellectual step. Knowledge, naturally is not linear, but progressively spiraling. (similar to the universal pattern of nature observed by the Fibonacci discovery which illustrates the perfectly occurring spiral in all of nature.)
The Explanation
In some posts I offer you an explanation of the Learning Curve. I invite you to explore what learning is, and is not as well as the import role that communication plays in learning, life and liberty. As we ponder the meaning of learning and the value of education it helps to revisit the explanation of the Learning Curve to help define and cement our understanding.
Discovering your Curve
The perpetual, organic spiral of Discover, Understand, Live has been set into motion and the journey of life long learning, critical skill building and enlightened understanding is your own Learning Curve!
Practical Application
Some posts offer suggestions and ideas. I invite you to apply your version of the suggestions offered. As you live the principle, you’ll find yourself recognizing the concepts and even making new discoveries yourself.
As you read, ponder, question, challenge, absorb, discuss with others and keep spiraling forward. Welcome to the Learning Curve, Enjoy!
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